Sarasota Counselors and Therapists Describe How Change Leads to Growth MindSol Wellness Center in Sarasota Florida
Change that leads to growth The most exciting thing about prioritizing our mental health is that we get to change the ways we think, act, and feel.  The most terrifying thing about prioritizing our mental health is that we have to change the ways we think, act, and feel.You’ve probably heard the old saw that […]
candles illuminating grief counseling session at Mindsol Wellness Center in Sarasota, Florida
Losing a cherished friend or family member can throw our lives into tumult. This is especially true if the death was sudden or the deceased young, but we also mourn those we have had a chance to grow close with over decades. We often hear that everyone grieves in their own way. This is true, […]
Photo of a couple experiencing financial hardship seeking help through counseling at MindSol Wellness Center in Sarasota, Florida
Financial hardship and mental health issues can often feed into each other. A setback with money can lead to emotional disturbance which makes it harder to pay off debts or secure employment, causing further anguish. It is important to break this vicious cycle. If you are facing a hardship, it can be difficult to justify […]
Photo of COVID 19 coronavirus molecule for Sarasota Mindsol blog about COVID related depression
As people receive their COVID vaccinations, the United States is looking forward to a return to normalcy following the global pandemic. However, during months of social isolation, many individuals began exhibiting symptoms of depression. Simply returning to their pre-COVID routines may not be enough to shake the depression that has settled within them. By now, […]
Image of a man feeling guilt after placing father in adult care. Find help for guilt at MindSol Wellness Center in Sarasota, Florida
Putting a family member in a nursing home can be a heart-wrenching decision. A loved one may be loath to leave their own home, and moving them somewhere new and strange can cause feelings of guilt and anxiety. It can be helpful to think through your emotions and any underlying issues that may be influencing […]

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