Qualifying for an emotional support animal
An emotional support animal may accompany people where mere pets are not normally allowed. However, many businesses require letters from qualified mental health professionals to demonstrate that animals provide emotional support to the humans they accompany.
For example, airlines may permit passengers to fly with an emotional support dog in the cabin, while other animals must stay in their crates in the cargo hold.
Landlords may refuse tenants who have dogs or cats unless they are designated as emotional support animals. Landlords who do allow animals may charge an additional pet fee but will typically waive this expense for service and support animals.

The Americans with Disabilities Act lays out the criteria for emotional support animal designation, and Florida has its own laws governing the use of emotional support animals.
MindSol Wellness Center counselors are familiar with the requirements and can evaluate clients to see if their pets qualify as emotional support animals.
Evaluations take about one hour and may be conducted in-person or via secure video chat. Clients who qualify will receive a letter to show to people like landlords. This document explains that the animal in question provides emotional support.
Contact the MindSol Wellness Center for an emotional support animal evaluation in Sarasota, FL
If you are not sure whether you and your pet qualify for an emotional support animal designation, call the MindSol Wellness Center. Our staff can explain the rules and provide an evaluation.
Our therapists also provide ongoing counseling for many of the issues that people face when they seek an emotional support animal. If you or someone you care about is facing difficulties related to an anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or some other mental health issue, call our Sarasota office today and ask how talk therapy may improve your psychological health. Our phone number is (941) 256-3725.